With national chocolate day on 28th October, our seasoning in bulk suppliers dedicate this week’s edition to cooking with chocolate! With 7.5 million tons of chocolate consumed worldwide, it’s fair to say this moreish treat is loved by all and life just wouldn’t be as sweet without it! Let’s take a closer look.
The Difference Between Cooking Chocolate and Normal Chocolate
Firstly, lets discuss the types of chocolate you can cook with. Did you know that you can cook with all types of chocolate? However, there is difference between the cooking variety and ‘normal’ chocolate. Cooking chocolate has a higher cocoa content and contains little or no sugar. Normal chocolate contains sugar, which can affect how your goods bake and the overall sweetness of the mixture.
Cooking chocolate tastes less sweet and is bold with strong notes of cocoa flavour, making it perfect to add into baked goods, as it holds its own against other ingredients.
Can I Cook with Normal Chocolate?
Of course! Although it does have higher levels of sugar in it, you can still cook with normal chocolate. Just be mindful of the sugar content needed for the dish you’re creating, so not to overload. Just be mindful of the flavours you want to incorporate.
High cocoa dark chocolate is a good alternative to cooking chocolate. Cocoa-rich dark chocolate contains very little sugar out of all the ‘normal’ equivalents, so it’s less likely to burn when melted but is full of delicious flavour.
It should be noted that some recipes call for tempered chocolate (heating and cooling chocolate to stabilize it for making confections), giving it a smooth and glossy finish and less likely to melt long-term. Tempered chocolate achieves its appealing finish after the cocoa butter crystallises at a certain temperature and is cooled. Cooking chocolate doesn’t contain a lot of cocoa butter, so it can be difficult to temper.
In our opinion, we would recommend taking each recipe as it comes. As a rule of thumb, it’s probably best to stick to using cooking chocolate for baking with, and normal chocolate for eating.
Can You Use Chocolate in Savoury Dishes?
When it comes to chocolate, it’s not all about the sweet; it can be used in savoury dishes too! You just have to know what dishes to pair chocolate with! A square of sweet white chocolate can really make that creamy difference to a sauce. Dark chocolate and red meats are a brilliant match, given their richness. Venison, beef and lamb also go exceptionally well with the tang of flavoursome chocolate.
A classic chilli con carne, using spices and seasoning in bulk and a few squares of high-quality dark chocolate taste incredible. Wait until your mix is ready to eat and stir in a little dark chocolate, making sure that it’s evenly melted. This will add extra depth to you dish, by highlighting the spices, giving it an unforgettable richness.
What Spices Go with Chocolate?
Chilli is probably the most obvious choice when it comes to spicing up chocolate. It does taste amazing, but there are other options! Keep in mind that the spices needed will depend on the type of chocolate you’re using. The darker the chocolate, the more potent the spice you can use.
For a fiery kick, both ginger and peppercorns will turn up the heat, bringing out an array of flavours in the cocoa bean. For a hot, smoky flavour, cayenne pepper and paprika add woody savoury notes. The likes of cumin and turmeric offer a subtle, earthy spice that blends with the natural fruitiness of the cocoa bean.
White chocolate isn’t as strong as dark or milk chocolate, so be mindful about how strong your herbs, spices and seasoning in bulk are. Fresh, earthy flavours such as lemongrass, saffron or even a sprinkle of cinnamon will add a fragrant boost to complex undertones.
We would recommend adding a little spice to your dish as you go. You can always taste it and add more. Bit by bit is the way to go!
Get in Touch
At World of Spice, we understand the importance of authentic and traditional tasting cuisine, whether it’s spicy, savoury or sweet! As leading suppliers of seasoning in bulk, our products are known for their purity and potency, full of delicious flavour to give your dishes the edge. Our service is cost-effective and reliable; we go above and beyond for each of our customers to ensure that you get the produce you need for business.
From bespoke blends to a choice of packaging, complete with custom labelling, our comprehensive service can help you achieve your culinary goals. For more information about our services and what we can offer you, please contact us at orders@worldofspice.co.uk, or feel free to call our team on 01277 633303. We look forward to hearing from you.