If you’re asking is mixed spice the same as allspice, the simple answer here is no. Although they are similar in favour profiles, there is a distinct difference in these spice mixes. With over 30 years of experience in our industry, we’re experts of all things herbs and spices. Let’s take a closer look at this common catering query!
What Is the Difference Between Mixed Spice and Allspice?
As its name would suggest, mixed spice contains a different mix of spices. It is slightly sweeter than allspice and is more commonly used in baking. Allspice is made from only unripe dried Pimenta Dioica berry. It’s more suitable for savoury dishes. Many people believe that allspice contains a blend of lots of different spices, but it does not!
Mixed spice and allspice are completely different spice combinations, which result in slightly different flavours. Mixed spice is sweeter, and allspice is more earthy and tangy.
What Is Mixed Spice?
Unlike allspice, mixed spice is a blend of several spices. These include:
- Cinnamon
- Coriander
- Caraway
- Nutmeg
- Ginger
- Cloves
The majority of the mix should be made from the cinnamon and the remaining percentage made from the other spices. This is because spices like cloves and nutmeg are a lot more potent. Their fragrant tones can easily overpower a spice mix, so a little will go a long way here.
Mixed spice has a warm, sweet flavour, with an undertone of aromatic spiciness. It’s more commonly used in baking and desserts to add a delicious depth to sweet treats. In our opinion, mixed spice is the perfect ingredient for autumn, winter and festive baking!
What Is Allspice?
One obvious observation that helps us to answer is mixed spice the same as allspice is the quantity of spices used. Allspice (contrary to the all in its name) is made up of just one type of berry, native to the Caribbean and central America. The dried, unripe berry from the tropical evergreen tree, Pimento Dioica, is the main ingredient. Harvesting and drying the unripe berry is what gives it that distinctive flavour.
Although a sweeter spice, it carries a spicy, wood-like undertone. Allspice has a strong aroma and tastes like a combination of cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon, but it is in fact just one spice! You can probably see where the confusion between mixed spice and allspice stems - people think that allspice must be a mix of spices and that it’s the same thing as mixed spice!
Allspice is more commonly used in savoury dishes and is especially popular in world dishes. From jerk mixes, to curry powders, tagine blends and rubs for meat, it can really set a dish apart, helping to give it the distinctive flavour heritage associated with the cuisine in question. Use this spice sparingly - our suggestion would be to taste as you go. Remember, you can always add to a mix, but you can’t take away!
Can I Use Allspice Instead of Mixed Spice?
No, you can’t. You risk your savoury food tasting too sweet and your sweet food tasting a little too spicy! As a general rule of thumb, allspice is used more in savoury cooking. World cuisine such as Caribbean, Moroccan and Indian benefit from the spicy, earthy and slightly sweet aromas.
Mixed spice caters more to dessert cooking and baking, although that’s not to say that a tiny sprinkling can’t be used in certain savoury dishes, where needed. Desserts such as pancakes, apple pie and carrot cake benefit from the warmth, aromatic sweetness and subtle spice in a mixed spice blend.
Get in Touch
If you’re still asking is mixed spice the same as allspice, our knowledgeable team would love to hear from you! At World of Spice, we understand the importance of authentic and traditional tasting cuisine, whether it’s savoury or sweet! As leading bespoke spice suppliers, our products are known for their purity and potency, full of delicious flavour to give your dishes the edge. Our service is cost-effective and reliable; we go above and beyond for each of our customers to ensure that you get the produce you need for business.
From tailored blends to a choice of packaging, complete with custom labelling, our comprehensive service can help you achieve your culinary goals. For more information about our services and what we can offer you, please contact us at orders@worldofspice.co.uk, or feel free to call our team on 01277 633303. We look forward to hearing from you.